Tuesday 17 March 2015

Theories of motivation

Motivation is defined as the internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in the people to be continually interested and committed to a job, role or subject, or to make effort to attain a goal.http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/motivation.html.

Motivating someone is not an easy task, because every person had different things that motivate them. In the present time the most common motivator for the people is money. Some people hold the opinion that you can achieve your goal, if you take money as a motivator. For instance, increasing the salary of the employee or worker in the organisation. But according to me money cannot be the motivator for everyone. Some people are motivated by appreciation. There are some theories that are believed to be motivator agents for the people. These all theories explain different factors that motivate the people to complete their goal.

  • Incentive theory 
  • Content theory
  • Cognitive theory 
  • Attribution theory

This video links the mind of the people and motivates them to face all the challenges in the life. This is the part and parcel of every human being which is required to make their life a great success. Motivation is what makes you ready for the competition and the problems that you are going to face in your life and in order to gain success in the life.


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